Bahrain Economy Experts’ Survey

Introducing the Survey

The Bahrain Economy Experts’ Survey (BEES) is a monthly survey conducted by the Bahrain Economists Society (BES), and it features questions relating to the current state of the Bahrain economy.

The survey has two goals:

  • To provide people who are interested in the Bahrain economy with unique and cutting edge information that is easy to interpret.

  • To give a platform to local experts on the Bahrain economy so that they can share their opinions.

Who are the Bahrain Economy Experts?

The survey participants are a panel of approximately 50 experts who satisfy the following criteria:

  • They have expert knowledge in the Bahrain economy, often because they are Bahrain-based economists, but they might be non-economists who work closely on issues relating to the Bahrain economy.

  • They are based in Bahrain to ensure that they are up to date with the latest developments, and that they have the insights that are associated with extended exposure to the Bahrain economy. As a result, most of the experts are Bahraini citizens.

  • Policymakers are not allowed to be members of the panel due to conflicts of interest in expressing their opinion about the Bahrain economy.